
Iran is one the oldest countries in the world with the earliest societies found about 5200 years ago. Moreover, the greatest empire in the world, Achaemenids, was in Iran. The reports of World Tourism Organization indicates that Iran is among the top five countries of natural attractions, and among the top ten countries of historical and cultural attractions. Moreover, the reports also disclose that Iran is one of the most economical countries for all travelers around the world.

Our company

We are a young group of trained and experienced people who gathered under the supervision of Science and Technology Park. Our team with their innovative and creative ideas has improved the intelligence process of traveling to Iran. We hope that we can provide the best possible trip for travelers to one of the ancient and astonishing country in the world. Join us and Select a legendary journey to Persia.


Ehsan Abbasi
Amir Masoud Lavafan
CEO of ShahrzadBaal CompanyBusiness Management
Ehsan Abbasi
Ehsan Abbasi
CEO of Select Persia CompanyBusiness Management
Ehsan Abbasi
Mohammad Abbasi
Russian Department ManagerRussian Department Manager

Russian Department Manager

Ehsan Abbasi
Zahra Heydari
Content expertRussian Department Manager
Ehsan Abbasi
Minoo Koorangi
Content expertRussian Department Manager
Ehsan Abbasi
Mahsa Memari
Content expertRussian Department Manager
Ehsan Abbasi
Sania Mohammadi
Content expertRussian Department Manager

IT Management

Ehsan Abbasi
Soroush Abedzadeh
Web Designer & HR ManagerIT Management
Ehsan Abbasi
Nazi Vazini Afshar
Web Designer & HR ManagerIT Management
Ehsan Abbasi
Mehdi Javanmard
IT ManagerIT Management

Chinese Department

Ehsan Abbasi
Negar Ziaeie
Content expertChinese Department



Shahrzadbaal Travel Agency with over a 10 years of experience located in the heart of Isfahan city provides a wide range of international and domestic accommodations offering you the chance of choosing the best tours to Iran with best flights and hotel services.

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